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Monday, May 25, 2009

Here are answers to questions that are in the magazine Al-Jail in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) on the position of women in Islam that was delivered by Sheikh Ibn Baz.
All belong to only praised Allah, Rabb of the Worlds. Peace and prayers hopefully forth to the Prophet and Messenger, the most noble, to the family, friend, and to anyone who meniti way until the day of reckoning.
Indeed, Muslim women have a high position in Islam and the influence of the great life in every Muslim. He will be the first madrasah in building communities that Salih, when he runs

in the top of the Al-Qur'an and Sunna of the Prophet.
Because they hold with each akan dissociate Muslims and Muslim's error in all things.
Distraction and diversion but the people are not going away because of their instructions from God and the teachings brought by the prophets and His apostles. He said,
"I leave you on two things, where you will not be lost during the hold with them, namely the Book of Allah and sunnahku." (Diriwayatkan by Imam Malik in al-Muwaththa 'the book of Al-Qadar III)
Indeed have been described in the Qur'an Al-important role of women, both as a mother, wife, sister, mapun as children. Similarly related to the rights and obligations. The existence of these things have also been described in the Apostle Sunna.
The role of women said it is important because a lot of burden-the burden should be faces, even the burden-the burden should dipikul by men. Therefore, it becomes an obligation for us to thank the mother, kind to him, and be polite in him. The position of the mother of his children more precedence than the father. This is mentioned in the word of God,
"We charged the man (so good) to the mother-father, his mother was in a state of weak mengandungnya the stepped-up, and menyapihnya in two years. Be grateful to me and to the mother of two fathers. Only to me is you will return. "(QS. LUQMAN: 14)
Similarly, in his words,
"We charged the human to do good to the mother of his father. Mengandungnya with his mother was struggling, and struggling with melahirkannya (also). And contain menyapihnya is thirty days. "(QS. Al-Ahqaf: 15)
In a hadith mentioned that there have been a man came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, most people who have the right for me to apply to her benefactor?" He said, "your mother." He asked again, "Then after he who? "He said," your mother. "He asked again," Then, after whom he is? "He said," your mother. "He asked again," Then, after whom he is? "He said," your father. "(HR . Bukhari, Kitab al-Adab no. 5971 is also Muslim, Kitab al-Birr wa ash-Shilah no. 2548)
From the above hadith, we should devote to the size of the mother three times a tribute to our father. Then, the wife and the impact on someone tranquility of the soul (husband) was described in Al-Qur'an.
He said,
"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your own, that you tend to feel settled and to him, and make sense of love and pity of you." (QS. Ar-Rum: 21 )
Ibn al-Hafizh hopefully Katsir-ne-merahmatinya explain the word of God: "mawaddah wa Rahmah" mawaddah that is love, and Rahmah is feeling affection.
A man makes a woman as his wife love to be because the woman or the love to the woman, the next from love and affection is to get both children.
Surely, we can see a good example in this issue of Khadijah, wife of Allah's Messenger, who has given big contribution in the sense of calm when he was afraid he were the angel Gabriel brought the revelation the first time in the cave of Hira '. Prophet to return home with trembling and almost fainting, and said to Khadijah, "Selimuti me, I selimuti! Truly I fear for myself with. "By the Prophet to see that, Khadijah said to him," Calm down. Indeed, by Allah, will He will not degrade yourself. You are the people who always connect strap friendship, always say, honestly, with resistance to the suffering, what does that have not been done for others, help the weak and defend the truth. "(HR. Bukhari, Kitab Bad 'al-Wahyi no. 3, and Muslim, Kitab al-Iman no. 160)
We also certainly do not forget the role of 'She. Many of the friends, both male and female, receive the hadith of dealing with the laws of religion.
We also know of a story that has not happened recently with my wife concerning Imam Muhammad bin Su'ud, the first king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We know that the wife of her husband that he menasehati a king was to receive dakwah Mujaddid al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. Indeed, the wife of the king's advice, it really brings to bear the influence of the agreement between Mujaddid al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab with Imam Muhammad bin Su'ud for the propaganda. Alhamdulillah-and-we can feel the results of that advice, the wife of the king to this day, things which in themselves possess Aqidah children this country. And can not be denied that the mother also has its own role and contribution in providing a great encouragement and support of success pendidikanku. May God enfold doubled the reward for it and hope that God give me good replies with the answer.
There is no doubt that the house filled with love, affection and love, and that Islamic education will affect the life of someone. With the permission of Allah, someone who lives in the home environment as it will give Taufik from God in every urusannya, success in the work ditempuhnya, both in the science, trade, agriculture or other jobs.
To Allah I ask hopefully Taufik He gave his all to us so that they can do what you love Him and He ridhai. Peace and prayers hopefully forth to the Prophet Muhammad, we, his family and companions. (Majmu 'Fatawa Sheikh Ibn Baz III/348

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