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Monday, May 25, 2009

A people see your heart!

Author: Abu Sa'id Satria Buana (Santri Ma'had Ilmi)
Murojaah: Ustadz Abu Sa'ad M.A. He said in the hadith diriwayatkan by Imam Bukhari and Muslim which means: "Verily in the body have segumpal blood. segumpal if blood is good it will be good also throughout the body, while if segumpal blood is damaged it will also damage the whole body, know segumpal blood is the heart.

A more correct designation for segumpal blood (القلب) is the heart, but in the Indonesian language have to translate regular terlanjur القلب with the heart. But like the heart of the king's body to do the deed, deeds, if the heart is the heart of both the whole body will be moved to do things better, But if his heart is the heart of the bad will of course also bring the body to do things that bad. Exercise is the key to improving people, If someone wanted to improve himself then let him fix his heart first! Behold, this is the heart of the whole body, it is the axis for the achievement of all facilities in the establishment act. Like a heart pumping pasukannya commander to fight the enemy or weaken them so that the back of the battle field. Because hearts are with the nature of life and death, the heart is also divided into three criteria, namely the heart of death, heart disease and heart healthy. 1. Heart SEHAT Namely of the heart, liver bertauhid (mengesakan Alloh in each peribadatannya), where someone will not be happy in the Hereafter but later he came with this heart, Alloh said in the letter as-Syu'ara verses 88-89: يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم "(It is) a day in which no more wealth and children, except those who come to meet with the heart Alloh survivors (survivors of kesyirikan and dirt-kotorannya)". (QS Syu'ara ASH: 88-89) A healthy heart with this heart that is defined from each orgasm, survivors from each of the conflicting desires of the Alloh, congratulations from every syubhat (confusion-confusion in the mind), deviate from the safe in the truth. This happy heart of worship to other than Alloh and berhukum to the law than the law His Messenger. Exercise is only mengikhlaskan peribadatannya to Alloh in desires, in tawakalnya, in pengharapannya in kecintaannya If he loves because he loves Alloh, if he hates because he hates Alloh, if he gave because he gave Alloh, if he refused because he refused Alloh. Exercise is free from the law berhukum than Alloh and His Messenger. Heart has been bound to a strong bond, ie, the religion of Syariat Alloh down. So this makes the heart Syariat as a role model in every word and deeds. Alloh said: يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله ورسوله واتقوا الله إن الله سميع عليم "O those who believe, do not you be preceded Alloh Allah and His Messenger, fear Alloh, indeed Alloh Hearer, the Knower." (QS Al Hujurot: 1) The owner of a healthy heart will be always close to the Al-Quran, he was always interacting with the Al-Quran, he was always quiet, faces any problems will be faced with hard, he always trust in him because he knows all things come from and all Alloh akan back Him. Wherever he is zikir to Alloh always terucap from lisannya, if the name is called Alloh bergetarlah heart, if you read the verse verses bertambahlah faith. The owner of the heart this is a sincere believer, the person who Alloh praised Him in the Word: ينزل الملآئكة بالروح من أمره على من يشاء من عباده أن أنذروا أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاتقون خلق السماوات والأرض بالحق تعالى عما يشركون "Those who believe (perfect faith) is that when they called the name Alloh their hearts trembled, and when it is the verses of his bertambahlah of their faith (therefore), and only to Allohlah they bertawakkal (surrender)." (An-Nahl: 2-3) 2. Liver OFF Heart of hearts that are dead do not know who Robbnya, he does not worship Him according to His command, he does not present any deeds based on something that diridhai and loved him. Exercise is always running with carnality and pleasure in the world although there Alloh anger, but the heart is not considering those things, for the most important is how he can unload sex nafsunya. He menghamba to Alloh besides, if he mencinta then mencinta because carnality, if he hates because he hates carnality. Alloh said: أفرأيت من اتخذ إلهه هواه وأضله الله على علم وختم على سمعه وقلبه وجعل على بصره غشاوة فمن يهديه من بعد الله أفلا تذكرون "So did you see the person who made the sex nafsunya as his Lord, and Alloh membiarkannya perverted science-based and Alloh His seal the hearing and his heart and put veils on penglihatannya? So who will be guided after Alloh (membiarkannya astray). So why do you not remember? ". (QS Al Jaatsiyah: 23) The owner of the heart if this is read to him the verses of Al Quran itself does not tergetar then, he always wanted to menjauh from the Al Quran, he was more happy to hear that voice-a voice which makes it negligent, it was more happy to hear that warble, heard the music, hear the sounds of menggejolakkan nafsunya sex. The owner of this heart is always restless, he does not know to whom he must base himself, he does not know to whom he hopes he does not know who to ask for it, their lives oscillate, where winds blow it will follow, wherever orgasm mengajaknya he will follow it, oh how menderitanya owner of this heart. 3. Heart SAKIT This heart is the heart of life, but the disease. Hati akan follow this strong element of mempengaruhinya, sometimes the heart is likely to "life" and sometimes tend to "disease". At heart this is the Alloh love, faith, sincerity and tawakal to him. Akan heart on this but there are also love to lust, greed, carnal lust, spite, hubris and self-pride attitude. He is between the two it, it to Alloh, Messenger, and day and end it in the world. Akan disambutnya appeal the appeal is the closest and most familiar to him. The owner of this heart will always change, sometimes he was in obedience and goodness, sometimes it is in maksiat and sin. Amalannya always changed in accordance with their environment, if both the environment and he changed for the better while the bad environment if it will also drag to the deterioration. Thus, the heart is the heart of life, khusyu ', tawadhu', soft and always be on. Heart of hearts that is both dry and dead. The third heart is the heart of pain, sometimes close to the safety and sometimes close to destruction. So O Muslims, we should menginterospeksi ourselves, including classes in which our hearts? whether in our hearts, including a healthy heart, heart disease or even our hearts are dead?. So renungkanlah Word Alloh in the Al-Kahfi paragraph 49: ووضع الكتاب فترى المجرمين مشفقين مما فيه ويقولون يا ويلتنا مال هذا الكتاب لا يغادر صغيرة ولا كبيرة إلا أحصاها ووجدوا ما عملوا حاضرا ولا يظلم ربك أحدا "And diletakkanlah book (the book of the practice act), and you will see the sinners in fear of what the (written) in it, and they say:" Oh woe to us, the book is this that does not leave the small and not (also) a large, but he noted everything, and they found what they used to be present (in writing). Lord and not a juapun "(QS Al Kahfy: 49) And vice versa His Word in Surat Al-Kahfi verses 29-30: إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات إنا لا نضيع أجر من أحسن عملا أولئك لهم جنات عدن تجري من تحتهم الأنهار يحلون فيها من أساور من ذهب ويلبسون ثيابا خضرا من سندس وإستبرق متكئين فيها على الأرائك نعم الثواب وحسنت مرتفقا "Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We will not dissipate the reward of those who carry out the practice (it) with the good. They are (the people) for their paradise 'Eden, rivers flowing beneath; in heaven that they decorated with a gold bracelet, and they wear green silk from the silk smooth and thick, and they are lean, while seated on the sofa - a beautiful bed. That is the reward of life, and a beautiful resting place. " (QS Al Kahfy: 29-30) O substances that turn-bolakkan heart, teguhkanlah our hearts on the religion, O substances that turn turning the hearts tuntunlah our hearts firm on obedience to thy

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