Testimonial Saturday, July 12, 2008 from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet He said: "when you sleep, then syetan make 3 bonds in the head that makes you sleep you sleep, if you wake up and berdzikir to God then lepaslah a bond, if bond wudlu then lepaslah second and when the prayer union lepaslah third, then you will morning wake up and humming with a clean heart, if not then you will wake up the lazy liver snoring "(HR Muslim) » The Photo Alloh SWT  »Full Mesjid miracles » If I Love Due  »Dikala Ragu will itself » Proposal Nikah  »Daily Prayer Ramadan FOREIGN CURRENCY KURS * * * * SELL * BUY * USD 9259.00 9167.00 SGD 6782.65 6708.38 HKD 1186.82 1174.91 JPY (100) 8650.04 8562.49 GBP 18,392.08 18,206.58 EUR 14,569.04 14,420.61 Update: 27-06-2008, 17:10:03 WIB Source: * Bank Indonesia * * 12 September 2007 - 10:55 * Marhaban Ya Ramadhan. Let us welcome Ramadan with a sorry heart that suci.Mohon birth and mind, God was smoga accept the practice of worship and forgive sin sin kita.Amin
* 20 September 2007 - 15:59 * Thank you to the team's Director General of the State Property Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, which Case Studies have been conducted of the portal / website with DUDUNG.NET on September 6, 2007 * January 19 2007 - 16:54 * Happy New Year 1428 Hijriyah .... Muhasabah end of the year ... Today and Tomorrow songsong do better .... Hopefully Muslims dipersatukan in the shade and RidhoNYA. Amen .... Visitors Today * 1792 *, * 34746 * Total uniqe visitors, since 30-06-2008. * * There are 26 visitors online at this time dudung.net Yahoo Messenger dudung_at@yahoo.com @ * * â € ¢ * Marriage * Website â € ¢ Forums â € ¢ * Poetry * â € ¢ * Dear diary * â € ¢ Photo Gallery * Search * Articles Islami 23 March 2005 - 16:38 Type of Women's Disunnahkan for Dilamar / / In applying for, a Muslim is recommended to consider the nature of some of the women who akan dilamar, including: 1. Disunahkan a woman full of love. This means he must always keep the love of her husband, while the husband also has a tendency and love him. In addition, he must also try to keep her husband keridhaan, do what her husband liked, making her husband feel tentram live with it, happy to talk and share affection with. And it is clearly in line with Allah Ta'ala says, And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your own, that you tend to feel and tentram him. And He made between you love and saying. (ar-Ruum: 21). 2. Disunahkan also that women who dilamar that provide a lot of offspring, because calmness, happiness and family harmony will be realized with the birth of children who became the hope of each couple's family. With regard to this, Allah Ta'ala will say, And those who say, 'Our Lord, anugerahkanlah to our wives as we penyenang our hearts, and we make the priest for those who fear Allah'. (al-Furqan: 74). In a hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, Menikahlah with women of love and the many descendants of the birth. Because I feel proud of the large number of you on the Day of Resurrection soon. So that hadist that Abu Daud, Nasa'I, al-Hakim, and he says, is Hadits sanadnya shahih. 3. Should women akan dinikahi is still a girl and still young. This is as shahihain be in the book and also book-kiab other hadith from Jabir that the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam once said to him, Would you marry a virgin or a widow? he replied, "A matron." Then he said, Why do not you marry a girl you can flirt with him and he can mencumbuimu?. Because a girl will deliver on tujian wedding. Besides, a girl will also be more fun and make more interesting to enjoy akan behave more enjoyable, more beautiful and more interesting to be seen, to be more gentle and easier for her to form and lead akhlaknya. He Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, Let the women marry young, because they have a fresh mouth, womb, have a more fertile and have a warm caress. So the hadith diriwayatkan-asy Syirazi, Ashim's Basyrah bin from his father, from Her grandfather. In the book Shahih al_Jami 'ash_Shaghir, al-Albani says, "This Hadith shahih." 4. It is recommended not to marry women who are immediate family including, as Imam Syafi'i once said, "If the women marry someone from the family itself, the anaknnya likely have a weak power piker." 5. Disunahkan for a Muslim to marry women who have a genealogical descendant of a clear and honorable, because it will affect the children themselves and also keturunannnya. With regard to this, he Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, the Women's dinikahi because four things: the wealth, descendants, because the beauty and religion. Then choose the women who are obedient, niscahya you are lucky. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim and others). 6. Women should be obedient dinikahi it is and have a certain noble. Because of the religious devotion and akhlaknya akan makes a noble helpmeet for her husband in running his religion, as well as educators who will be good for their children, will be able to interact with her family. In addition he will also always obey her husband if he will be told, Ridha capacious chest and if her husband gives and the fun of her husband or related melihatnnya. Women who are so like the difirmankan God Ta'ala, "Therefore, the women who shahih is the more obedient to God when suaminyatidak maintain themselves in the place, because God has kept them." (an-Nisa: 34). Meanwhile, in a hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "This world is a delight, and the good kenikmatannya is shalihah women." (HR. Muslim, Nasa'I and Ibn Majah). 7. In addition, women who let akan dinikahi is a beautiful, because beauty will be the longed for every man and always desired by each person who will be married, and beauty, she also will help maintain the purity and honor. And it has been mentioned Shallallahu He Alaihi wa Sallam in the hadith about the things that a woman's desirability. Beauty is a relative. Everyone has a picture of the distinctive beauty of this in accordance with the tastes and desires. Some people have the view that beauty is located on the short women, while some others have looked at the women's high. While some see the beauty lies in the color, either brown, white, yellow, and so forth. Some others that look beauty that lies in the softness and beauty of sound words. Thus, a clear disunahkan for each person to marry the woman he's so beautiful and she was not interested in another woman obsessed, so tercapailah destination wedding, the purity and honor for each pair. -------- Source: Family Jurisprudence, Sheikh Hasan Ayyub, Cetekan First, May 2001, Al-kautsar Reader Print Article Send to a friend Rate (Read: 12605 times | Sent: 252 times | Print: 341 times | Score: 8.40 / 5 votes) * Article Archive * | * * * Top Articles Read also: * * During the primrose Parents Live! * Messages About Al-Quran * Ramadan Lifestyle Destination: Sang Tamu Agung * * Search for the Architect Jikalah .. * The Coming of Heaven * * Something Special Gift that funny ... * Kala Cinta molt Aqidah * Holy Verse in Human chromosome
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