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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can Haidh dwelt in the Women's Mosque

Sheikh Salih bin Fauzan Al-Fauzan

Questions Sheikh Salih Al-Fauzan asked: Are women haidh allowed to dwell in the mosque?

Answer Haidh forbidden for a woman to dwell in the mosque, based on the sabda Shallallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa Sallam "It means:" I am not menghalalkan mosque haidh for women and men who are junub "Diriwayatkan by Abu Daud, and sabda Shallallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa Sallam other. "This means: The Mosque is not lawful for a woman haidh and people who are junub" Diriwayatkan by Ibn Majah
Haidh permissible for a woman to walk across the mosque tnpa stayed in the mosque, based on the hadith She Radhiyallahu 'anha, said: Allah's Messenger said.
"This means: (She O) for Ambilkanlah cushion from the mosque," and I said: "I haidh are," he said.
"This means: The haidhmu not in your hand (not kehendakmu)" Diriwayatkan by all except perawi hadith al-Bukhari.
And allowed for a woman to read dzikir-dzikir the masyru ', such as memnaca tahlil (laa Ilaaha Illallah), takbir (Allahu Akbar), rosary (Subhanallah) and other do'a-do'a that from wirid-wirid the disyari' atkan in the morning, afternoon, when to sleep and wake up from sleep, can also be for women haidh to read scientific books such as tafsir, hadith and fiqh.
[At-Tanbiyat, Sheikh Salih Al-Fauzan, page 14]
[Copied from the book Al-Fatawa Al-Jami'ah Lil Muslimah Mar'atil, Indonesia edition Fatwa-Fatwa About Women's composer Amin bin Yahya Al-Wazan, a Darul Haq case. 160-161penerjemah Fakhruddin Amir Hamzah]

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