1. No Morning Breakfast
Those who do not consume breakfast have a blood sugar
low, a result that supply nutrients to the brain becomes less.
2. Eating Too Much
Too much to eat, let alone a high degree lemaknya, can
mengerasnya result in brain blood vessel due to the hoarding of fat
in the blood vessel wall. As a result, the ability of the brain akan
3. Smoking
Substance in cigarettes that terhisap will lead to shrinkage of the brain
quickly, and can lead to Alzheimer's Disease.
4. Consume too much sugar
Consumption of too much sugar will cause terganggunya
absorption of protein and nutrition, so that nutrient imbalance occurs
will disrupt the development of the brain
5. Air pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in the human body. Slurp
berpolusi reduce the air supply oxygen to the brain so that it can
decrease the efficiency of the bra
6. Poor Sleep
As the brain needs sleep and rest time to recover
abilities. Lack of sleep in a long time akan speed
damage brain cells.
7. Covering the head during sleep
The habit of sleeping with the increasing concentration of oxygen
carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that can cause
effects on the brain damage.
8. Using mind when sick
Working too hard or forcing our mind to use
while sick can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the brain and
can damage the brain.
9. Less stimulate thought
Thinking is the most appropriate way to train our brain.
Lack of stimulation in the brain can cause brain mengkerutnya us.
10. Rarely communicate
Communication is needed as a means of ability to drive the work
brain. Communicate intellectual efficiency can trigger the brain.
Akan Jarangnya communicate the intellectual ability of the brain so
less skilled.
20 April 2009 23:05
False Yahoo Login page Gentayangan
Dewi Widya Ningrum - detikInet
Views Phishing Yahoo (Vaksincom)
Jakarta, Waspadalah for your Yahoo Messenger (YM). Later flare circulating that if a link is clicked the contents page show a false account login Yahoo. Beware dibajak password!
The link can be derived from one of your friend YM. With iming-iming show the photos, the victims were trapped clicking this link will be transmitted on the Yahoo login page false, that culminate to the theft of user account information, or who are familiar with phishing.
One of the Yahoo user called fredo in Manchester UK detikINET confess to himself that has stuck click on the link. Dituturkannya, after menginputkan username and password, digiring himself to a web page images that appeared to be content photos taken from the victims own computer.
Even since then, fredo link that was sent automatically to all its friends YM. But the link did not already sent. Fredo also confess that many of her friends stuck the same.
Phisher Jebakan Post
DetikINET information obtained from the company's antivirus Vaksincom, the middle phishing Yahoo. If observed, the bogus web page is very similar to the Yahoo login page is official. Fake web page that is installed on the free hosting provided by Yahoo, GeoCities (www.geocities.com, uk.geocities.com).
Elections geocities hosting phishing is also the recipient of a jockey because of course will not receive a suspicious page authentication credentials from the GeoCities notabene is owned by Yahoo.
Without a bit suspicious, you may enter information directly akan username and password and clicking Sign In button to see the photos your friend, without notice that your account information has been disadap others.
Terrible, phishing action this really does not make you suspicious because after entering the information, you will digiring to Yahoo web page images.
Once get a new Yahoo account, then secretly program will automatically log you on YM account and send the URL link to the image before the whole phishing contact YM. This will be done again each time the program get a new Yahoo account.
If the phishing web page is examined further (view source), according to Vaksincom, apparently saved the script to send information to Yahoo id rose_ayu01@yahoo.com email address. While the web page of the original authentication credentials Yahoo Sign In Seal has a unique and different on each computer, to make it easier to identify phishing sites.
Change your password periodically
For users who enter your Username and Password on any site that is suspicious or not believed to authenticity, Vaksincom mengimbau users to immediately change the password as soon as Yahoo.
Vaksincom also mengimbau to users who are never to do that or doubt, to keep the Yahoo password. Change your password periodically, according to Vaksincom, is one of the principles of a good password.
Do not forget to activate the feature Sign In Seal. Sign In Seal authentication credentials must be displayed every time you go to the site, if not the most likely site is not from Yahoo.
Photo caption: (top) phishing Web page that aims to get Yahoo password, (below) send the phishing web page information Yahoo id sacrifice in secret to e-mail that has been determined. (dwn) (dwn / dwn)
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Monday, May 25, 2009
10 habits that can damage the brain
Testimonial Saturday, July 12, 2008 from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet He said: "when you sleep, then syetan make 3 bonds in the head that makes you sleep you sleep, if you wake up and berdzikir to God then lepaslah a bond, if bond wudlu then lepaslah second and when the prayer union lepaslah third, then you will morning wake up and humming with a clean heart, if not then you will wake up the lazy liver snoring "(HR Muslim) » The Photo Alloh SWT  »Full Mesjid miracles » If I Love Due  »Dikala Ragu will itself » Proposal Nikah  »Daily Prayer Ramadan FOREIGN CURRENCY KURS * * * * SELL * BUY * USD 9259.00 9167.00 SGD 6782.65 6708.38 HKD 1186.82 1174.91 JPY (100) 8650.04 8562.49 GBP 18,392.08 18,206.58 EUR 14,569.04 14,420.61 Update: 27-06-2008, 17:10:03 WIB Source: * Bank Indonesia * * 12 September 2007 - 10:55 * Marhaban Ya Ramadhan. Let us welcome Ramadan with a sorry heart that suci.Mohon birth and mind, God was smoga accept the practice of worship and forgive sin sin kita.Amin
* 20 September 2007 - 15:59 * Thank you to the team's Director General of the State Property Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, which Case Studies have been conducted of the portal / website with DUDUNG.NET on September 6, 2007 * January 19 2007 - 16:54 * Happy New Year 1428 Hijriyah .... Muhasabah end of the year ... Today and Tomorrow songsong do better .... Hopefully Muslims dipersatukan in the shade and RidhoNYA. Amen .... Visitors Today * 1792 *, * 34746 * Total uniqe visitors, since 30-06-2008. * * There are 26 visitors online at this time dudung.net Yahoo Messenger dudung_at@yahoo.com @ * * â € ¢ * Marriage * Website â € ¢ Forums â € ¢ * Poetry * â € ¢ * Dear diary * â € ¢ Photo Gallery * Search * Articles Islami 23 March 2005 - 16:38 Type of Women's Disunnahkan for Dilamar / / In applying for, a Muslim is recommended to consider the nature of some of the women who akan dilamar, including: 1. Disunahkan a woman full of love. This means he must always keep the love of her husband, while the husband also has a tendency and love him. In addition, he must also try to keep her husband keridhaan, do what her husband liked, making her husband feel tentram live with it, happy to talk and share affection with. And it is clearly in line with Allah Ta'ala says, And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your own, that you tend to feel and tentram him. And He made between you love and saying. (ar-Ruum: 21). 2. Disunahkan also that women who dilamar that provide a lot of offspring, because calmness, happiness and family harmony will be realized with the birth of children who became the hope of each couple's family. With regard to this, Allah Ta'ala will say, And those who say, 'Our Lord, anugerahkanlah to our wives as we penyenang our hearts, and we make the priest for those who fear Allah'. (al-Furqan: 74). In a hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, Menikahlah with women of love and the many descendants of the birth. Because I feel proud of the large number of you on the Day of Resurrection soon. So that hadist that Abu Daud, Nasa'I, al-Hakim, and he says, is Hadits sanadnya shahih. 3. Should women akan dinikahi is still a girl and still young. This is as shahihain be in the book and also book-kiab other hadith from Jabir that the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam once said to him, Would you marry a virgin or a widow? he replied, "A matron." Then he said, Why do not you marry a girl you can flirt with him and he can mencumbuimu?. Because a girl will deliver on tujian wedding. Besides, a girl will also be more fun and make more interesting to enjoy akan behave more enjoyable, more beautiful and more interesting to be seen, to be more gentle and easier for her to form and lead akhlaknya. He Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam has said, Let the women marry young, because they have a fresh mouth, womb, have a more fertile and have a warm caress. So the hadith diriwayatkan-asy Syirazi, Ashim's Basyrah bin from his father, from Her grandfather. In the book Shahih al_Jami 'ash_Shaghir, al-Albani says, "This Hadith shahih." 4. It is recommended not to marry women who are immediate family including, as Imam Syafi'i once said, "If the women marry someone from the family itself, the anaknnya likely have a weak power piker." 5. Disunahkan for a Muslim to marry women who have a genealogical descendant of a clear and honorable, because it will affect the children themselves and also keturunannnya. With regard to this, he Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, the Women's dinikahi because four things: the wealth, descendants, because the beauty and religion. Then choose the women who are obedient, niscahya you are lucky. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim and others). 6. Women should be obedient dinikahi it is and have a certain noble. Because of the religious devotion and akhlaknya akan makes a noble helpmeet for her husband in running his religion, as well as educators who will be good for their children, will be able to interact with her family. In addition he will also always obey her husband if he will be told, Ridha capacious chest and if her husband gives and the fun of her husband or related melihatnnya. Women who are so like the difirmankan God Ta'ala, "Therefore, the women who shahih is the more obedient to God when suaminyatidak maintain themselves in the place, because God has kept them." (an-Nisa: 34). Meanwhile, in a hadith, Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, "This world is a delight, and the good kenikmatannya is shalihah women." (HR. Muslim, Nasa'I and Ibn Majah). 7. In addition, women who let akan dinikahi is a beautiful, because beauty will be the longed for every man and always desired by each person who will be married, and beauty, she also will help maintain the purity and honor. And it has been mentioned Shallallahu He Alaihi wa Sallam in the hadith about the things that a woman's desirability. Beauty is a relative. Everyone has a picture of the distinctive beauty of this in accordance with the tastes and desires. Some people have the view that beauty is located on the short women, while some others have looked at the women's high. While some see the beauty lies in the color, either brown, white, yellow, and so forth. Some others that look beauty that lies in the softness and beauty of sound words. Thus, a clear disunahkan for each person to marry the woman he's so beautiful and she was not interested in another woman obsessed, so tercapailah destination wedding, the purity and honor for each pair. -------- Source: Family Jurisprudence, Sheikh Hasan Ayyub, Cetekan First, May 2001, Al-kautsar Reader Print Article Send to a friend Rate (Read: 12605 times | Sent: 252 times | Print: 341 times | Score: 8.40 / 5 votes) * Article Archive * | * * * Top Articles Read also: * * During the primrose Parents Live! * Messages About Al-Quran * Ramadan Lifestyle Destination: Sang Tamu Agung * * Search for the Architect Jikalah .. * The Coming of Heaven * * Something Special Gift that funny ... * Kala Cinta molt Aqidah * Holy Verse in Human chromosome
Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utsaimin
First part of four paper [1 / 4]
The faith of God contains four elements:
[A] Mengimani Wujud Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
God's existence has been proven by character, intellect, syara ', and the sen
[1]. Evidence about the character of God is manifest that the faith of the Creator of every creature is a character, without first thinking or learning. Will not turn away from the demands this disposition, unless the person who in his heart there is something that can memalingkannya.
He Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam said:
"This means: All babies born in the disposition. Bapaknyalah that makes Mother's Jewish, Christian or Majusi" [Hadith Al-Bukhari History]
[2]. As evidence exists about the intellect of God is the occurrence of all beings, that all beings, the earlier and future, must have created that. May not create itself, nor is there chance. Not that there may exist by itself, because everything will not be able to create itself. Before wujudnya appear, it means no.
All beings are not possible because every chance that certainly created mebutuhkan creator. The existence of beings that the laws that beautiful, neatly arranged, and closely related to each other between the between-musababnya of the universe and of each other. All of that at all reject the existence of all beings chance, because there is something that happens, certainly not in the first order.
If the creature can not create themselves, and create a chance, it is clear, that beings who have created, the God of hosts Robb.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala mentioned the proposition aqli (intellect) and the proof qath'i in the Ath Thuur:
"This means: Do they created nothing without them, or create a (themselves)?" [Ath Thuur: 35]
From the above paragraph it appears that not being created without a creator, and the creature does not create itself. So clear, that God created beings is Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
When Jubair bin Muth'im heard from Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam who read the letter Ath Thuur and to the revelations of this:
"This means: Do nothing without them created, who created the atukah they (themselves), or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they do not believe (what they say). Or do they have in the treasury Robbmu or are they in power ? " [Ath Thuur: 35-37]
He was, when that was still idolaters said, "my heart almost fly. Menetapnya That is the beginning of faith in my heart." [Historical Hadits Al-Bukhari]
In this case we want to give one example. If someone said to you about who built the palace, which is surrounded by gardens, dialiri rivers, dialasi by carpet carpets, and decorated with various ornaments and principal penyempurna, and he says to you that the palace with all kesempurnaannya created with this itself, or created without a creator of light, you will not mempercayainya, and assume that the word is the word of a lie and glassy. Now we ask you, is still possible that the universe is wide and its what is in it created by itself or create a chance?
[3]. Syara evidence 'about the existence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that the whole book talking about the sky. All laws that contain kemaslahatan man who brought the Book is a proof that the books came from Robb is the Knower, the Wise and all kemaslahatan makhluknya. News of the universe that can be witnessed by the reality that the truth will be shipped books is also a proof or evidence that the books came from Robb Almighty to realize what it dibeitakan.
[4]. Inderawi evidence about the existence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala can be divided into two:
[a] We could hear and see the terkabulnya prayers of those who pray and help him that is given to those who get natural. This indicates the existence of God certainly Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
He said:
"This means: And (remember) Noah, when before he prayed, and we doanya favor, and We saved him with his family from the great." [Al-Anbiya: 76]
"This means: (Remember) when you ask to help Rabbmu, and allowed him to you: â € œSesungguhnya I will bring to you the reinforcement of a thousand angels coming in succession" [Al Anfaal: 9]
Anas bin Malik Radhiyallahu 'Anhu said, "Once there is a Bedouin came on Friday. At the time of the Prophet Shallallahu' Alaihi wa Sallam middle sermon. Man said 'O Messenger of Allah, our wealth has been exhausted, all citizens are hunger. Therefore, pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to overcome our difficulties. "Rasulullah ago and the second tanganya pray. Suddenly scattered cloud and overcast like the mountains. He has not come down from the pulpit, it rains dampen jenggotnya. On Jum ' at the second, Bedouin or another person stood up and said, "O Messenger of Allah, we destroyed the building and property bendapun sinking, we doakanlah akan this (so happy) to God." Rasulullah ago raise his hands, while praying: "Yes Robbku , send down rain around us, and you do not down as a disaster for us. "Finally, he does not hint at any place except a light (without rain)." [Al-Bukhari Hadith History]
[b]. The signs of the prophets are called miracles, that can be witnessed or heard many people is a clear evidence of the existence of the prophets, the Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, because things are out of human ability, to do as God pemerkuat and helpers for the apostles.
When God commanded the Prophet Moses' Alaihimus Sallam to beat the sea with tongkatnya, Moses memukulkannya, and terbelahlah the sea into twelve paths are dry, while water in the path between the path-like mountains that roll. He said.
"This means: Then We revealed to Moses:" Strike the sea with your staff.: So terbelahlah the sea and each part is like a big mountain. "[ASH Syu'araa: 63]
An example is the second miracle Jesus' Alaihimus Sallam when the people who are dead, then remove it from the grave with the permission of Allah.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said.
"This means: â € | and I know the dead with seijin God â € |." [Ali Imran: 49]
"This means: â € | and (remember) when you remove the dead from kuburnya (a living) with my permission â € |." [Al Maarij: 110]
Third example is the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam when the Quraish signs or ask for miracles. He set the month, months ago terbelahlah into two, and those eyes can. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said about this.
"This means: The close (arrival) time (Hour) and also has been riven months. And if they (the idolaters) see a sign (miracle), they turned and said:" (This is) the magic constantly. "[Al-Qomar: 1-2]
The signs given God, to strengthen the rasulNya and as a refuge for them, show beyond doubt the existence of Allah akan Subhanahu wa taa € ™ ala.
[Copied from the book Syarhu Ushulil Iman, Muhammad bin Salih Al-Utsaimin. Indonesian Edition: Basic Principles of faith. Translator: Ali Makhtum Assalamy. Publisher: KSA Foreigners Guidance Center in Gassim Zone, page: 19-24]
A people see your heart!
Author: Abu Sa'id Satria Buana (Santri Ma'had Ilmi)
Murojaah: Ustadz Abu Sa'ad M.A. He said in the hadith diriwayatkan by Imam Bukhari and Muslim which means: "Verily in the body have segumpal blood. segumpal if blood is good it will be good also throughout the body, while if segumpal blood is damaged it will also damage the whole body, know segumpal blood is the heart.
A more correct designation for segumpal blood (القلب) is the heart, but in the Indonesian language have to translate regular terlanjur القلب with the heart. But like the heart of the king's body to do the deed, deeds, if the heart is the heart of both the whole body will be moved to do things better, But if his heart is the heart of the bad will of course also bring the body to do things that bad. Exercise is the key to improving people, If someone wanted to improve himself then let him fix his heart first! Behold, this is the heart of the whole body, it is the axis for the achievement of all facilities in the establishment act. Like a heart pumping pasukannya commander to fight the enemy or weaken them so that the back of the battle field. Because hearts are with the nature of life and death, the heart is also divided into three criteria, namely the heart of death, heart disease and heart healthy. 1. Heart SEHAT Namely of the heart, liver bertauhid (mengesakan Alloh in each peribadatannya), where someone will not be happy in the Hereafter but later he came with this heart, Alloh said in the letter as-Syu'ara verses 88-89: يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إلا من أتى الله بقلب سليم "(It is) a day in which no more wealth and children, except those who come to meet with the heart Alloh survivors (survivors of kesyirikan and dirt-kotorannya)". (QS Syu'ara ASH: 88-89) A healthy heart with this heart that is defined from each orgasm, survivors from each of the conflicting desires of the Alloh, congratulations from every syubhat (confusion-confusion in the mind), deviate from the safe in the truth. This happy heart of worship to other than Alloh and berhukum to the law than the law His Messenger. Exercise is only mengikhlaskan peribadatannya to Alloh in desires, in tawakalnya, in pengharapannya in kecintaannya If he loves because he loves Alloh, if he hates because he hates Alloh, if he gave because he gave Alloh, if he refused because he refused Alloh. Exercise is free from the law berhukum than Alloh and His Messenger. Heart has been bound to a strong bond, ie, the religion of Syariat Alloh down. So this makes the heart Syariat as a role model in every word and deeds. Alloh said: يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقدموا بين يدي الله ورسوله واتقوا الله إن الله سميع عليم "O those who believe, do not you be preceded Alloh Allah and His Messenger, fear Alloh, indeed Alloh Hearer, the Knower." (QS Al Hujurot: 1) The owner of a healthy heart will be always close to the Al-Quran, he was always interacting with the Al-Quran, he was always quiet, faces any problems will be faced with hard, he always trust in him because he knows all things come from and all Alloh akan back Him. Wherever he is zikir to Alloh always terucap from lisannya, if the name is called Alloh bergetarlah heart, if you read the verse verses bertambahlah faith. The owner of the heart this is a sincere believer, the person who Alloh praised Him in the Word: ينزل الملآئكة بالروح من أمره على من يشاء من عباده أن أنذروا أنه لا إله إلا أنا فاتقون خلق السماوات والأرض بالحق تعالى عما يشركون "Those who believe (perfect faith) is that when they called the name Alloh their hearts trembled, and when it is the verses of his bertambahlah of their faith (therefore), and only to Allohlah they bertawakkal (surrender)." (An-Nahl: 2-3) 2. Liver OFF Heart of hearts that are dead do not know who Robbnya, he does not worship Him according to His command, he does not present any deeds based on something that diridhai and loved him. Exercise is always running with carnality and pleasure in the world although there Alloh anger, but the heart is not considering those things, for the most important is how he can unload sex nafsunya. He menghamba to Alloh besides, if he mencinta then mencinta because carnality, if he hates because he hates carnality. Alloh said: أفرأيت من اتخذ إلهه هواه وأضله الله على علم وختم على سمعه وقلبه وجعل على بصره غشاوة فمن يهديه من بعد الله أفلا تذكرون "So did you see the person who made the sex nafsunya as his Lord, and Alloh membiarkannya perverted science-based and Alloh His seal the hearing and his heart and put veils on penglihatannya? So who will be guided after Alloh (membiarkannya astray). So why do you not remember? ". (QS Al Jaatsiyah: 23) The owner of the heart if this is read to him the verses of Al Quran itself does not tergetar then, he always wanted to menjauh from the Al Quran, he was more happy to hear that voice-a voice which makes it negligent, it was more happy to hear that warble, heard the music, hear the sounds of menggejolakkan nafsunya sex. The owner of this heart is always restless, he does not know to whom he must base himself, he does not know to whom he hopes he does not know who to ask for it, their lives oscillate, where winds blow it will follow, wherever orgasm mengajaknya he will follow it, oh how menderitanya owner of this heart. 3. Heart SAKIT This heart is the heart of life, but the disease. Hati akan follow this strong element of mempengaruhinya, sometimes the heart is likely to "life" and sometimes tend to "disease". At heart this is the Alloh love, faith, sincerity and tawakal to him. Akan heart on this but there are also love to lust, greed, carnal lust, spite, hubris and self-pride attitude. He is between the two it, it to Alloh, Messenger, and day and end it in the world. Akan disambutnya appeal the appeal is the closest and most familiar to him. The owner of this heart will always change, sometimes he was in obedience and goodness, sometimes it is in maksiat and sin. Amalannya always changed in accordance with their environment, if both the environment and he changed for the better while the bad environment if it will also drag to the deterioration. Thus, the heart is the heart of life, khusyu ', tawadhu', soft and always be on. Heart of hearts that is both dry and dead. The third heart is the heart of pain, sometimes close to the safety and sometimes close to destruction. So O Muslims, we should menginterospeksi ourselves, including classes in which our hearts? whether in our hearts, including a healthy heart, heart disease or even our hearts are dead?. So renungkanlah Word Alloh in the Al-Kahfi paragraph 49: ووضع الكتاب فترى المجرمين مشفقين مما فيه ويقولون يا ويلتنا مال هذا الكتاب لا يغادر صغيرة ولا كبيرة إلا أحصاها ووجدوا ما عملوا حاضرا ولا يظلم ربك أحدا "And diletakkanlah book (the book of the practice act), and you will see the sinners in fear of what the (written) in it, and they say:" Oh woe to us, the book is this that does not leave the small and not (also) a large, but he noted everything, and they found what they used to be present (in writing). Lord and not a juapun "(QS Al Kahfy: 49) And vice versa His Word in Surat Al-Kahfi verses 29-30: إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات إنا لا نضيع أجر من أحسن عملا أولئك لهم جنات عدن تجري من تحتهم الأنهار يحلون فيها من أساور من ذهب ويلبسون ثيابا خضرا من سندس وإستبرق متكئين فيها على الأرائك نعم الثواب وحسنت مرتفقا "Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We will not dissipate the reward of those who carry out the practice (it) with the good. They are (the people) for their paradise 'Eden, rivers flowing beneath; in heaven that they decorated with a gold bracelet, and they wear green silk from the silk smooth and thick, and they are lean, while seated on the sofa - a beautiful bed. That is the reward of life, and a beautiful resting place. " (QS Al Kahfy: 29-30) O substances that turn-bolakkan heart, teguhkanlah our hearts on the religion, O substances that turn turning the hearts tuntunlah our hearts firm on obedience to thy
A Woman ?
"Women are the majority inhabitants of Hell." So he was Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa rnSallam after prayer eclipse occurs when the sun eclipse. ... Wonderful! rnsangat women honored in the eyes of Islam, even a mother have the right to rndihormati three times larger rather than the father. Which honored her, but the majority rnmalah into hell. How did this happen?
"Because kekufuran them," he answered Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam when sabahat ask why it can happen.
Do they deny God?
No, they do not deny God, but they belie a husband and a good good-have sent her husband. If a husband good all time, and a wife who does not see anything disenanginya of a husband, then the wife will say that he does not see a good bit of her husband. Explanation so he Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam diriwayatkan the hadith in Bukhari (5197)
The husband and the good-good husband who has done!
This is the cause of so many women are in hell. Let us see ourselves each of us ... we introspection ... what and how we have to do our husbands?
If we are free from that, alhamdulillah. That's what we expect. O happy news for saudariku.
But if not, we (often) the husband, the good-good ... so be careful with what you have by that Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam. Repent ... the only option utuk avoid pedihnya torment of Hell. During the sun has not come out of the west, or the breath was in throat ... there is still time to repent. But why should it later? Why must wait sakaratul death?
Thou shalt not say tomorrow, and tomorrow saudariku O; kejarlah ajalmu not ... you do not know when you'll find Robb mu?
"It does not hurt that a wife of her husband in the world, but his wife (later in the Hereafter): woman who became her husband pair (say):" Do not you menyakitinya, you soon wrath of God, a husband begimu is just a front that can be separated with you toward us. "(HR. At Tirmidzi, hasan)
O saudariku, let's see ... what we have to do for this ... never bored and stopping for self-introspection ... not up to what we do without us realize we bring to the Fire, which kedahsyatannya ... You already know about.
If at any time, something that does not appear like we are from the husband; we do not flinch and forget all the good that we do have a husband.
"Then look at kedudukanmu sides. Indeed, husbands and nerakamu is heaven. "(HR.Ahmad)
Hopefully useful.
Reading: "Warning for the wife that the husband Goodness", the association Romance Husband Wife: Musthofa Sheikh Al-Adawi
Here are answers to questions that are in the magazine Al-Jail in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) on the position of women in Islam that was delivered by Sheikh Ibn Baz.
All belong to only praised Allah, Rabb of the Worlds. Peace and prayers hopefully forth to the Prophet and Messenger, the most noble, to the family, friend, and to anyone who meniti way until the day of reckoning.
Indeed, Muslim women have a high position in Islam and the influence of the great life in every Muslim. He will be the first madrasah in building communities that Salih, when he runs
in the top of the Al-Qur'an and Sunna of the Prophet.
Because they hold with each akan dissociate Muslims and Muslim's error in all things.
Distraction and diversion but the people are not going away because of their instructions from God and the teachings brought by the prophets and His apostles. He said,
"I leave you on two things, where you will not be lost during the hold with them, namely the Book of Allah and sunnahku." (Diriwayatkan by Imam Malik in al-Muwaththa 'the book of Al-Qadar III)
Indeed have been described in the Qur'an Al-important role of women, both as a mother, wife, sister, mapun as children. Similarly related to the rights and obligations. The existence of these things have also been described in the Apostle Sunna.
The role of women said it is important because a lot of burden-the burden should be faces, even the burden-the burden should dipikul by men. Therefore, it becomes an obligation for us to thank the mother, kind to him, and be polite in him. The position of the mother of his children more precedence than the father. This is mentioned in the word of God,
"We charged the man (so good) to the mother-father, his mother was in a state of weak mengandungnya the stepped-up, and menyapihnya in two years. Be grateful to me and to the mother of two fathers. Only to me is you will return. "(QS. LUQMAN: 14)
Similarly, in his words,
"We charged the human to do good to the mother of his father. Mengandungnya with his mother was struggling, and struggling with melahirkannya (also). And contain menyapihnya is thirty days. "(QS. Al-Ahqaf: 15)
In a hadith mentioned that there have been a man came to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, most people who have the right for me to apply to her benefactor?" He said, "your mother." He asked again, "Then after he who? "He said," your mother. "He asked again," Then, after whom he is? "He said," your mother. "He asked again," Then, after whom he is? "He said," your father. "(HR . Bukhari, Kitab al-Adab no. 5971 is also Muslim, Kitab al-Birr wa ash-Shilah no. 2548)
From the above hadith, we should devote to the size of the mother three times a tribute to our father. Then, the wife and the impact on someone tranquility of the soul (husband) was described in Al-Qur'an.
He said,
"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your own, that you tend to feel settled and to him, and make sense of love and pity of you." (QS. Ar-Rum: 21 )
Ibn al-Hafizh hopefully Katsir-ne-merahmatinya explain the word of God: "mawaddah wa Rahmah" mawaddah that is love, and Rahmah is feeling affection.
A man makes a woman as his wife love to be because the woman or the love to the woman, the next from love and affection is to get both children.
Surely, we can see a good example in this issue of Khadijah, wife of Allah's Messenger, who has given big contribution in the sense of calm when he was afraid he were the angel Gabriel brought the revelation the first time in the cave of Hira '. Prophet to return home with trembling and almost fainting, and said to Khadijah, "Selimuti me, I selimuti! Truly I fear for myself with. "By the Prophet to see that, Khadijah said to him," Calm down. Indeed, by Allah, will He will not degrade yourself. You are the people who always connect strap friendship, always say, honestly, with resistance to the suffering, what does that have not been done for others, help the weak and defend the truth. "(HR. Bukhari, Kitab Bad 'al-Wahyi no. 3, and Muslim, Kitab al-Iman no. 160)
We also certainly do not forget the role of 'She. Many of the friends, both male and female, receive the hadith of dealing with the laws of religion.
We also know of a story that has not happened recently with my wife concerning Imam Muhammad bin Su'ud, the first king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We know that the wife of her husband that he menasehati a king was to receive dakwah Mujaddid al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. Indeed, the wife of the king's advice, it really brings to bear the influence of the agreement between Mujaddid al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab with Imam Muhammad bin Su'ud for the propaganda. Alhamdulillah-and-we can feel the results of that advice, the wife of the king to this day, things which in themselves possess Aqidah children this country. And can not be denied that the mother also has its own role and contribution in providing a great encouragement and support of success pendidikanku. May God enfold doubled the reward for it and hope that God give me good replies with the answer.
There is no doubt that the house filled with love, affection and love, and that Islamic education will affect the life of someone. With the permission of Allah, someone who lives in the home environment as it will give Taufik from God in every urusannya, success in the work ditempuhnya, both in the science, trade, agriculture or other jobs.
To Allah I ask hopefully Taufik He gave his all to us so that they can do what you love Him and He ridhai. Peace and prayers hopefully forth to the Prophet Muhammad, we, his family and companions. (Majmu 'Fatawa Sheikh Ibn Baz III/348
Sunday, May 10, 2009
what's with the city PEMANGKAT in this month?
various issues that dikeluhkan masayarakat not only a matter of drinking water in this dry season, but there are also problems in the face of the students in the school final examination, namely the dead. this very clearly as possible learning students in the night
because this will determine the future of students menjai of children of the nation. because of how the policies of workers in the field to participate in supporting the future of the students determine the future of the nation as a successor generation of potentially high-indonesia